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Sep 28, 2021

I was recently reading the September/October 2021 issue of “Science Scope” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association.  In this issue, I read the section “Teacher’s Toolkit” written by Daniel J. Bergman.  Daniel wrote an article entitled “Spoiler Alert! Avoiding Hazards to Science Inquiry...

Sep 21, 2021

I was recently reading the September/October 2021 issue of “Science Scope” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association.  In this issue, I read the section “From the Editor’s Desk” written by Patty McGinnis.  Patty wrote an article entitled “Creativity in the Science Classroom.”


Sep 15, 2021

I was recently reading the July/August 2021 issue of “The Science Teacher” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association.  In this issue, I read the section “Citizen Science” written by Jill Nugent.  Jill wrote an article entitled “Learning on Location with NASA GLOBE Observer”


Sep 6, 2021

I was recently reading the July/August 2021 issue of “Science & Children” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association.  In this issue, I read the section “Science 101” written by Matt Bobrowsky.  Matt wrote an article entitled “Which Came First - the Chicken or the Egg?”

This is one of...