Apr 17, 2023
I was recently reading the March/April 2023 issue of “Science Scope” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association. In this issue, I read an article on the Best STEM Books 2023 for books published in 2022.
Best STEM Books winners explore problems and possible solutions in the scientific world and, where applicable, in the lives of the protagonists. Instead of focusing on specific content, the Best STEM Books emphasize real-world issues that cross disciplinary boundaries. There were six books in the list that were most appropriate for middle school students. They are:
American Murderer: The Parasite that Haunted the South
Break Down: Explosions, Implosions, Crashes, Crunches, Cracks, and More……A How Things Work Look at How Things Don’t
Concrete: From the Ground Up
No Boundaries: 25 Women Explorers and Scientists Share Adventures, Inspiration, and Advice
Science Comics: Bridges: Engineering Masterpieces
Superpower? The Wearable-Tech Revolution